  • Many people on the planet are ungrounded, and this can occur for various reasons. This daily exercise can also help deal with the growing problem of EMF’s or electro-smog in your home. You will link into the healing power of Mother Earth and achieve a steadfast way to remain grounded for the day.
  • A unique DVD bringing dowsing into the 21st Century. On this DVD Adrian Incledon-Webber, a master dowser, looks at ways of using this knowledge in today's busy world. It explores the use of dowsing in healing, food allergies, spirit rescue, what to look for at ancient sites, how to ask the right question, the importance of psychic protection and more.
  • A unique download bringing dowsing into the 21st Century. On this download Adrian Incledon-Webber, a master dowser, looks at ways of using this knowledge in today’s busy world. It explores the use of dowsing in healing, food allergies, spirit rescue, what to look for at ancient sites, how to ask the right question, the importance of psychic protection and more. This is a downloadable product and the link will be provided in the order email you receive. This product is downloadable using the link in the Order Received email, please check your spam/junk folder for this just in case
  • Let Adrian help you take time out of your busy schedule to connect to the spirit world.  His guided meditations will allow you to quieten your mind and give yourself permission to accept and receive any messages that the spirit world wishes to bestow. Each time you undertake a meditation, you are honouring yourself and your commitment to strengthening your spiritual growth.
  • You don’t go outside without a coat on when it’s raining, the same rule should apply to psychic protection. In this exercise Adrian explains each step to be undertaken, to ensure that you are fully protected. Keep safe, and get in the daily habit of using this form of psychic protection.  Surround yourself with beautiful colours and the power of the Divine.    
  • Many of us have lost our connection to the Earth. Urbanisation in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, brought about huge changes. Many people who lived off the land moved into the town, which quickly grew to become a city. We have subsequently lost that feeling of belonging to ‘something’. The family unit is almost a thing of the past. People are slowly losing their faith in mainstream religion, the churches of which had been a place of community. ‘Spirit & Earth’ has been written to help you find your connectedness once again, to help you feel part of the whole, the Universe and Mother Earth. Subjects covered include mind mapping, and how to change your neural network with meditation. Also, the use of crystals to develop better health, the angelic realms, Mother Nature and the work of the elementals.


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