• You don’t go outside without a coat on when it’s raining, the same rule should apply to psychic protection. In this exercise Adrian explains each step to be undertaken, to ensure that you are fully protected. Keep safe, and get in the daily habit of using this form of psychic protection.  Surround yourself with beautiful colours and the power of the Divine.    
  • Let Adrian help you take time out of your busy schedule to connect to the spirit world.  His guided meditations will allow you to quieten your mind and give yourself permission to accept and receive any messages that the spirit world wishes to bestow. Each time you undertake a meditation, you are honouring yourself and your commitment to strengthening your spiritual growth.
  • Have you ever wondered how Master Healers work? Adrian shares four of his own daily healing practices with you; psychic protection, tuning in, closing down and soul rescue. These practices have developed with his many years of healing, resulting in concise and beautiful flowing mantras. In addition, these healing practices can be used in conjunction with Heal Your Home and Spirit & Earth Courses. These practices will keep you safe.
  • A unique meditation to help cleanse your Aura and bring healing to your cells. Sit quietly and take three deep breaths, let the thoughts of the day start to disappear, see the worries and concerns being pulled out of you and dispersed into the Universe. Feel your breath; firstly, the in breath then the out breath, start to take a few deeper breaths, become aware of your body and its reaction to your breathing. Now send your love to Mother Earth, feel yourself connecting with Her, roots growing out of your feet moving down to the centre of the planet, wrapping around a crystal of your choice. This not only grounds you but roots your physical body in place.


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